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Kit for Kat

So, I'm sitting here at my dining table, wondering what I should post.

Writers' block.... *sigh*

Sticking a KitKat bar in my mouth, I purse my lips and start typing.

Brown stickiness, sweet

Crispiness, cold crinkling


My mouth thins, not horribly pleased by my musings over chocolate wafers. I remember something I wrote for a presentation on haiku last year.

A moment in time

A moment in stillness

In reality, this

But I want to sum up what this blog is about! And it's not just for me, but my wife, too.

Black wings, shadows

Moving; words cawing

Pledged to the Lord

I smile, as the haiku describing my wife plays in my head, and I still struggle to know what I want to say.

How about this? My wife, Raven, and I want to write short stories and poems and share them with the world. We have a passion for the rich creativity of the Lord and want to be able to express that to y'all. Hopefully you enjoyed the fun little intro; if you can't tell, I deeply love poetry (especially haiku and spoken word) while Raven loves short stories as well as poetry. We'll both be posting, at least once a week to start. And I hope y'all enjoy!

May the Lord bless

Thy ways

Thy ears

And thy face.

- Josiah

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